
Authentication is performed using OAuth2 protocol. The implementation is based on django-oauth2-providers Django application so for generale documentation overview refer to the official documentation. Here we only explain the difference of the MOST implementation.

MOST implementation requires also the taskgroup field to get an access_token in the REST call.


POST /oauth2/access_token/

It authenticates the client providing an access token which can be used in subsequent REST calls. The request data are:

  • client_id: the id of an OAuth2 client as configured in database
  • client_secret: the client secret,
  • grant_type: password|pincode,
  • username: the username,
  • password|pincode: the password or the pincode depending on the grant_type value,
  • taskgroup: the id of the taskgroup of the user
Request Headers:
Response Headers:

Example of correct response

{"access_token": "25735f2de89eff6fa7576b7f8ca5efb952a23ef7",
 "expires_in": 31535999,
 "refresh_token": "e2a310b568aba5f92bf8683715f862b98b1d714d",
 "scope": "read",
 "token_type": "Bearer"